
Meet the Whimbrel – a member of the curlew family with a slightly shorter bill than its close relative, the Eastern Curlew!

Cartoon of a Terek Sandpiper

Terek Sandpiper

Meet the Terek Sandpiper – an unmistakable shorebird with short orange legs and an upturned bill with an orange base!

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper

Meet the Sharp-tailed Sandpiper! Sporting a tawny crown, straight black bill and olive legs, the ‘sharpie’ is easy to pick out in a flock of small waders.

Ruddy Turnstone

Meet the Ruddy Turnstone – one of the easiest shorebirds to identify in the field with its orange legs and boldly patterned plumage.

Red-necked Stint

Meet the Red-necked Stint – the smallest migratory shorebird to visit Australia weighing only as much as a Tim Tam!

Meet The Shorebirds - Red Knot

Red Knot

Meet the Red Knot! As its name suggests, the Red Knot, Calidris canutus, is a stout, medium-sized wader that turns brick red during the breeding season.

Grey Plover

Grey Plover

Meet the Grey Plover! Did you know that most of the Grey Plovers in Australia are girls? They also love to eat sea cucumbers!

Great Knot

Meet the Great Knot – a shorebird that feels the love every breeding season, moulting into love heart-shaped plumage on its chest!

Far Eastern Curlew

Meet the Far Eastern Curlew – the world’s largest shorebird and only found in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway!