Tracking the Oriental Pratincole – Update #7
Over the past week, a second satellite-tagged Oriental Pratincole has made a major migration flying to Taiwan.
Over the past week, a second satellite-tagged Oriental Pratincole has made a major migration flying to Taiwan.
One of the Oriental Pratincoles has made the big move to India, while the other three remain in Cambodia. Where will they go next!
Another Oriental Pratincole has moved to mainland Asia, bring all four birds together as ‘almost neighbours’.
Three of the four satellite-tagged Oriental Pratincoles are now in Mainland Southeast Asia as they continue their northward migration.
Our satellite-tagged Oriental Pratincoles continue to migrate through Asia and may complete their northward migration by the end of March.
All four Oriental Pratincoles tagged by the Australasian Wader Studies Group in February have left Australia on northward migration.
For the first time ever, five Oriental Pratincoles caught in northwest Australia have been fitted with satellite tags by the Australasian Wader Studies Group.