A Little Curlew Goes a Long Way – Update #3
Little Curlews LS and LU have reached the coast of China, having flown non-stop from Australia!
Little Curlews LS and LU have reached the coast of China, having flown non-stop from Australia!
All 22 Far Eastern Curlew tagged in Western Australia, Queensland, the Northern Territory and Victoria in 2018/19 are now on migration.
The first of the three Little Curlews fitted with satellite transmitters by the Australasian Wader Studies Group has begun its northward migration!
With the exception of three birds, all of the satellite-tagged Far Eastern Curlews are now on migration and making their way through Asia.
Four of our satellite-tagged Far Eastern Curlews have begun their northward migration with one already sighted in Japan!
Five Little Curlews have been fitted with satellite transmitters on Anna Plains Station in northwest Australia by the Australasian Wader Studies Group.
Eight more Far Eastern Curlews have been successfully fitted with satellite transmitters in northwest Australia by the Australasian Wader Study Group for the Far Eastern Curlew Project, led by Amanda Lilleyman from Charles Darwin University.
A new Australian project led by Amanda Lilleyman from Charles Darwin University is bringing hope for the critically endangered Far Eastern Curlew.