Wing Threads Christmas Wrap Up 2021
A year in pictures, crowdfunding rescheduled, flight training achievements and grant success. Just a few of the highlights for Wing Threads in 2021!
A year in pictures, crowdfunding rescheduled, flight training achievements and grant success. Just a few of the highlights for Wing Threads in 2021!
A review of achievements for Wing Threads and the shorebird community as we get ready to say goodbye to 2020!
A new book on the horizon, going solo and working for BirdLife as the Wing Threads journey continues to roll with our ever changing world.
Goodbye 2019, hello 2020! The successes and highlights for Wing Threads for another year of flying, birds and adventure.
Another year has already flown by and it has been an eventful one with many milestones reached for Wing Threads!
As we see out another year full of exciting things for Wing Threads in 2017, another year of exciting things lies just ahead in 2018!