Flight Leg 8 Livestream Replay – Eucla WA to Nullarbor Roadhouse SA

Join me, Microlight Milly, live from the cockpit for flight leg eight of Wing Threads: Flight Around Oz from Eucla in Western Australia to Nullarbor Roadhouse in South Australia🛫

You may remember from the last flight leg, that Keith and I had to pack up the microlight in the dark at Eucla because we had a cold front coming in the next morning. We ended up getting stuck at the Eucla Roadhouse for a week and working in exchange for board for the managers, Phil and Christina.

I decided the best thing for this next flight leg was to set the microlight up at the next roadhouse 10 minutes up the road in Border Village just over the border in South Australia. We got up at dawn’s crack and drove to Border Village in the dark. Phil and Christina came along too to wave us goodbye.

This flight was one of the most amazing flights I’ve done on my journey and I’d been looking foward to it for some time. It took me along the Bunda Cliffs along the Great Australian Bight, which is some of the most amazing coastline I’ve ever seen!

I then tracked inland to the Nullarbor Roadhouse. When I got there, it was fogged in and I had to orbit around above the roadhouse until it lifted enough for me to land.

My ground crew of one, Mr. Keith Lightbody, arrived about the same time in my car with the microlight trailer. We stopped at the Nullarbor Roadhouse for a break before continuing on to Coorabie Farm in the arvo. I didn’t end up streaming that flight because there wasn’t any reception to livestream! 😅

I was honestly surprised we got as much as we did of the Bunda Cliffs. So amazing!

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