Tracking the Oriental Pratincole – Update #16
Despite limited data, our Oriental Pratincoles appear to be progressing slowly on southward migration.
Despite limited data, our Oriental Pratincoles appear to be progressing slowly on southward migration.
The Oriental Pratincoles are surprising us again with 3 of the 4 birds appearing to be breeding for a second time!
Two birds remain on their chosen breeding sites, while the other two may have completed the breeding for the season and have begun moving south.
Massive progress north by both of our satellite-tagged Whimbrels this week with LA even reaching Russia!
All four of our satellite-tagged Oriental Pratincoles remain in their current location, presumably busy with breeding activities.
How a team of dedicated birders from Karnatka, India, set out on a three day expedition to find a satellite-tagged Oriental Pratincole nesting nearby.
Amazing news from India where a team of local birders have found the nesting site of one of the satellite-tagged birds, SEP.
A quieter week for the Oriental Pratincoles with all of our birds, except SUN, having made only local movements.
Both Whimbrels, KU and LA, have reached their stopover sites in Southern China. We wait to see if storms forecast for the region will affect their progress!