Livestream 11: Let’s catch up with Microlight Milly
Our final catch up before Milly completes her final few flight legs and lands back at White Gum farm outside Perth.
Livestream catch-ups with Costa Georgiadis before and during Wing Threads: Flight Around Oz.
Our final catch up before Milly completes her final few flight legs and lands back at White Gum farm outside Perth.
Milly is currently in Darwin and she’s encountered a bit of a spanner in the works that needs our collective networking to keep her rolling.
Learn more about the upcoming short doc, Wing Threads – one of ten short films chosen for the ‘Your Planet’ short documentary initiative.
When Costa can’t help but see a garden use for some parts that have been replaced in Milly’s microlight! Check out Costa’s latest repurposed asset.
Something very special happened over the weekend… Here’s a little video Costa Georgiadis and I put together to announce it.
Microlight Milly takes Costa for a fly over Westernport Bay near Melbourne – an important Ramsar site for migratory shorebirds.
Can you believe that it has been 9 weeks since Milly set off in her microlight to circumnavigate Australia? Hear about the journey thus far!
Milly takes off this thursday from White Gum Farm east of Perth on the first leg of her 6 month journey.
Join Costa, Milly Formby and birding specialist, Tom Clarke, to learn more about shorebirds and the important relationships they have with our landscapes.