Tracking the Oriental Pratincole – Update #25
Two of the Oriental Pratincoles are back in Camboida and Vietnam where they bred in 2019 and the third is on its way to India.
Two of the Oriental Pratincoles are back in Camboida and Vietnam where they bred in 2019 and the third is on its way to India.
Two of the Oriental Pratincoles are back in Camboida and Vietnam where they bred in 2019 and the third is on its way to India.
And they’re off… again! Our three Oriental Pratincoles fitted with satellite trackers in 2019 have started migration. Follow along as they make their way north!
Great news! Three of the satellite-tagged Oriental Pratincoles are back in Australia. Find out who won the race home!
Who will win the race back to Australia – SEC or SHE? And where in the world is SEP? Find out in the latest report for the Oriental Pratincoles on southward migration!
Three of the four Oriental Pratincoles are on the move as they continue their southward migration back to Australia.
One of the Oriental Pratincoles, SHE, appears to have completed a second breeding attempt as we continue to track the birds on their southward migration.
This latest report on our satellite-tagged Oriental Pratincoles the movement pattern of one of the birds, SHE, indicates a second-breeding attempt.
Despite limited data, our Oriental Pratincoles appear to be progressing slowly on southward migration.